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Dotcom offers innovative solutions for complex IT challenges in the healthcare sector

10th Jan, 2022

South Africa, like many countries, have their own particular set of circumstances to contend with and still attempt to offer an acceptable level of healthcare to patients. In SA the health needs of the people exceed the capacity. The pandemic has highlighted the weaknesses in the dual systems of private healthcare and public government-funded and run institutions. It is imperative that the industry as a whole, embrace the opportunities to digitise, in order to ensure operational efficiency and better patient experience. All healthcare companies should consider digitisation to find better solutions to the complexity of the problems faced.

The healthcare sector includes pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, equipment, distribution, facilities, and managed health care. These businesses are all involved in the supply of products or services related to health and medical care.

Private healthcare has become an attractive option for an emerging middle class with cost-effective packages and incentives. With this growth, private companies are embracing digital transformation and solutions to complex IT challenges as a necessity to compete. Operational processes and systems and even communication are taking on  new digital dimensions, to ensure both cost-effective and efficient delivery.


Cloud Solutions are fast becoming a necessity for the Healthcare sector

The slow pace of adaptation and adoption of digital technologies of some institutions means patients and service providers have to still contend with manual admissions and administration.

In an ideal world, all modern health records would be digital. While this is much more convenient and involves practically no paper, it comes with its own unique challenges.

If not protected sufficiently, digital healthcare records can be intercepted by the wrong people and cause untold legal, financial and moral problems.

Healthcare facilities have, over the past decade, realized the importance of not only digitising their systems but doing so in a safe and secure way.

This involves making the most out of your IT system, maximising your productivity, and improving processes.

One of the main challenges in digital healthcare solutions is making the patient feel like an individual and not simply another number in the digital system. Patients need to be aware of informed consent, their privacy rights and understand how their medical information will be used.


In summary, the key benefits of digital transformation in the healthcare sector are:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Streamlined administration processes
  • Improved management of patient records
  • Reduced patient waiting times
  • Improved communication
  • Efficient access to clinical and operational data
  • Effective monitoring of medical equipment stock levels and servicing
  • Improved procurement processes
  • Efficient integrated systems for diagnostic results and images

The benefits of digital transformation are extensive, with the starting point of migrating documents and processes to a safe and secure cloud environment.


How useful is (AI) Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector?

Many healthcare facilities that use artificial intelligence have realized how powerful it can be in this industry.

AI (or artificial intelligence) can help improve diagnoses, tailor-make treatments, and predict medical outcomes. Since it is less acceptable for artificial intelligence systems to make errors than it is for humans to make mistakes, it is taking the healthcare sector by storm.

Although artificial intelligence has seen much success in recent years, it still has a way to go and Dotcom is always at the forefront of AI innovation and will guide you through the latest developments. #askdotcom


Mental health and wellness in a digital world is providing healthcare companies with new sets of symptoms, results and terminology

How is everyone coping with the rapid advancement to digitisation of company processes and communication? This is not particular to the healthcare sector but to all areas of business and all market sectors.

Stress levels are high and definitely recognised as a modern-day lifestyle disease. What is it about digitisation and digital transformation that is stressing people out?

Things to be aware of that may be contributing factors to elevated stress levels;

  • Company culture change
  • Communication channels and tone and voice change
  • Lack of understanding of new technology
  • Computer systems vs people
  • Digital processes vs people hands-on
  • Lack of expertise on new systems and processes
  • Is my job secure?


Dotcom is a Microsoft Gold Partner and has a range of Microsoft products available for efficient digital transformation solutions in all sectors

Here at Dotcom, we assist companies large and small with all their software solutions and offer consulting services throughout the digital transformation journey.

Whether you need to upgrade your current cloud solutions, you are looking at changing software, you need to improve your cyber security, or you need expertise in how you can streamline your digital processes, we can help!

As a Microsoft Gold Partner, you can be assured of the following:

  • Dotcom has entered into an agreement with Microsoft to establish a close working relationship.
  • We have earned Microsoft’s highest possible standards of partnership level.
  • Dotcom has been validated by Microsoft in terms of IT professional and developer technical expertise
  • We have passed Microsoft’s rigorous exams which include a deep understanding of their products, solutions and technologies.
  • Dotcom has made a commitment to use the most up-to-date Microsoft technologies available
  • As a Microsoft Gold Partner, Dotcom has access to some of Microsoft’s most exclusive tools, software and kits.
  • Dotcom is also entitled to use exclusive Microsoft tutorials and we receive constant technical support from Microsoft.


Dotcom tackles change management head-on with opportunities for continuous up-skilling of staff and customer solutions integration 

When many companies are faced with upgrading software and other digital solutions, they are often hesitant as they know that their employees will need to learn the new system.

By their very nature, humans are reluctant to change their way of doing things, especially in the workplace. This is understandable as learning the ins and outs of a new system takes a lot of time and this time can be better spent getting on with one’s work.

Here at Dotcom, we understand this reluctance and have a proactive and head-on approach when it comes to training staff and handling change management effectively.

Our team fully understands that your employees may be hesitant to try the new system at first and may even have feelings of resentment toward the change.

Using state-of-the-art change management techniques, we show instead of telling employees how easy it is to use the new solution, thereby proving that the new system can enhance, streamline and improve their workflow processes more than they ever dreamed possible.

Our ultimate goal is to have employees away from their desks for as little as possible as we know how important time is.

Upgrading a current system can be less of a learning curve and we believe that it’s important to move ahead with technological advances.

Do you need a high-quality evaluation of your business’s current IT and digital systems? Contact Dotcom for an evaluation. #askdotcom

We have a team of professional, expert and highly trained specialists who can provide deep insights into the exact issues affecting your current operations. #dotcomsoftwaresolutions

Taking your company goals, objectives and mission in mind, we can customise a state-of-the-art digital solutions plan to suit your needs and to help you achieve more.

Interested in learning more? Contact us here and we will be in touch shortly.

Dotcom Software Solutions

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